Have you….
Have you ever looked beyond the shell…seen past the broken face…
or do you choose to only see an addict, a criminal…a life full of disgrace?
Have you ever thought that hidden inside there could be so much more…
or do you just continue to blindly judge and slam your front door?
Have you considered there was a life before the addiction gripped tight…
a life of dreaming, happiness…one you would consider pure and right?
Have you thought just maybe they too hate the life that they live…
but feel trapped and chained and like they have nothing else to give?
Have you wondered what dreams they once had that now seem so far away…
things stolen from them as the addiction keeps them imprisoned every day?
Have you ever realized that “those addicts” are just like you and I…
but how blessed we are that addiction didn’t grab us with it’s deceptive lie?
Have you imagined the difference you could actually make…
if a deeper and more compassionate look you chose take?
Dedicated to the brother I miss so much….Drugs took him over 20 years ago…he still has breath in his lungs, and fights to overcome his addiction every day!