I dream that my writing will inspire Hope and Healing for all as I write from my heart to yours.


The Nicci Jo Collection

Sunny the Squirrel Series

One day a squirrel decided to attend my 8th grade Science class - We named him Sammy….We couldn’t use that name for the books, so he became Sunny…the process birthed an entire new Sunny book….Sunny and the Name Change.

This children’s series is an ode to that squirrel, and through the adventures of Sunny and his human best friend Joey, children can learn amazing moral - and maybe a bit squirrely - lessons of life. Each book brings to surface an issue or struggle that most of us have faced. Sunny always has such peaceful and wise advice to offer and shares a little Nug and Hug(a nugget of knowledge wrapped in a hug) at the end of each book. There are also guided questions to help the reader take an even deeper dive into the topic of the book.

Today I Cried, But Tomorrow I’ll Rise Anthology

We have all cried and we have all fallen, but know you can RISE. This anthology was created by people from all over the globe, coming together to share their stories of pain and overcoming through personal poems and the stories that led to them.

I have Been a closet writer my entire life…


I couldn’t Do It

The first thing I remember writing was a series called Ducky - about a little boy and his imaginary duck. I was in elementary school and I eventually threw it away. 

Then, years later, after enduring sexual abuse and developing anger and hatred toward God, I began to write a lot of letters...notebooks full of letters...mainly to God expressing my hurt, pain, and anger. Those were all burned before I went to college.

Then I Found God

Going into adulthood, I always felt this urge and push to write. I always felt this call to change hearts with the words from my heart. But once again, I allowed disbelief and insecurities to keep my dream nothing more than a dream. 

In 2004, I gave my heart to God and He began to heal my brokenness and anger. I realized very quickly how much He truly loves me and how He could use my pain and hurt to help others. He quickly taught me how to live for Him and how to serve others.

And Then I Trusted His Signs

In 2015, He put the first book on my heart to begin writing…something I continue to work on today. In 2017, a squirrel entered my 8th grade classroom...room 119. He became our class pet and God gave me an idea to bring Sammy to life in a book series - a series meant to inspire and teach children moral lessons.

Then in 2019, I was diagnosed with MS and I found that writing became a way of processing my thoughts and what I felt. And in 2021, God said, "Pick up the pen, Nicci....or I will give it to someone else to do." So I began to share my writing with the world and focused on writing more. It is amazing what God does when you obey and trust in him - I am now working on being the writer He created me to be. 

“I have had such a blessed journey….learning to fall and rise and all the beautiful lessons wrapped up in those moments. Being able to be a mom, a grandma, a teacher, and now I am learning to proudly wear my writer’s hat. My heart truly wants to bring hope and healing to the world, and give God glory for all that He does in me and through me.”